It seems that not everyone in the world thinks it is an impossible dream to have affordable excellent care for everyone. The Institute for Health Care Improvement based in the USA has been in pursuit of radical health reform for some time now, and in June will hold a seminar on Achieving the Triple Aim: The Simultaneous Pursuit of Excellent Heath, Ideal Care, and Controlled Costs.
Is anyone from Australia with the Triple Abilities of Power, Influence, and Positive Attitude going to go to this?
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is now offering Achieving the Triple Aim: The Simultaneous Pursuit of Excellent Health, Ideal Care, and Controlled Costs, a seminar in which we’ll share with a wider audience the work conducted through our innovative Triple Aim initiative. The “Triple Aim” refers to the pursuit of optimal performance across three areas: the health of the population; the health experience of individuals; and the per capita cost for a population. Organizations working on the Triple Aim may focus, for example, on:
- Planning and customizing care at the level of the individual, targeted to the best feasible outcomes
- Cooperating and coordinating with other specialties, hospitals, and community services related to health
- Customizing services efficiently, based on appropriate segmentation of the population using a health risk assessment tool or equivalent