Medical Mess.
As an 88-year-old* patient of one of the practices referred to in Madonna King's article "Patients before Paperwork" (C-M, Apr 5-6) I applaud her turning the spotlight on this anomaly in medical care.I realise this anomaly was not of Kevin Rudd's making but it is now within his power, and it is his responsibility, to bring common sense to bear on the problem.
To suggest that, if my GP's practice has to fold, I could go by public transport to the proposed superclinic 10 km away (which may take a year or two to set up), when there are qualified, competent GPs in my area, is ludicrous. I have been a patient of this practices for the past 12 years, and they have all my medical records, and my doctor is familiar with my care. The solutions suggested in Ms Kings's article are sensible and practical - and the need is now, Mr Rudd, not in a couple of years' time.
Holland Park West
[small correction: Vi is a mere 80 years old]
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