Thursday, April 3, 2008

Letter to the Editor.

The press coverage continues with the publication this week in the South East Advertiser of my letter to the editor.

Press powers GP crisis solution.

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank you for your recent articles in respect of the general practitioner shortage in Stones Corner and Greenslopes, in the Prime Minister’s electorate of Griffith. You have drawn attention in your newspaper to the imminent crisis in GP supply, and to the campaign started by a concerned local citizen with the aim of addressing the issue. I am the principal of one of the practices featured in your newspaper as being at risk of closing due to the shortage of GPs.

We believe that good general practice is the cornerstone of good primary care, and that everything possible must be done to ensure that it survives and thrives. Any further worsening of the GP workforce will have serious impact on health care in the community, and will put further pressure on the already over-burdened hospital system. We know that the situation is similar in other urban areas in Queensland as well as interstate, and we are determined to put the focus onto finding a solution to the problem, rather than eternally analysing it and complaining about it. We hope that our blog at will help publicise the issue and act as a forum for ideas.

I would like to inform you and your readers that the local campaign has attracted interest from the broadcast media and the national press. This would not have happened without your enthusiastic support. You have provided a fine example of the power of the local press.

Dr Janet Clarkson,
Logan Road General Practice.


Anonymous said...

How about getting a bit of a Cinderella submission together to give to Vasantha Preetham and Mukesh Haikerwal to present at the 2020 Best&Brightest Ball?

Medical Educators said...

We are hoping to do just that; one of our staunchest supporters happens to be one of the delegates too. Here's hoping we get someone's ear, because so far we have received a total of nothing from the powers-that-be in response to our suggestions or requests.