Friday, August 22, 2008

Kevin Rudd's Response.

Well, we did get a response from Mr. Rudd's office.

It is HERE.

A not-very-useful response as it turns out.

It fills up space by repeating our own comments, and fills up more space repeating the same old 'solutions'.
I would like to suggest to the powers that be that the strategies outlined in the letter are
(a) optimistic in the extreme, given that they are based on the hope/wish/expectation that the great increase in medical students will magically result in an increased number of GPs. Two immediate potential sticking points come to mind. (i) a large percentage of the new number of students are from overseas and (ii) there is absolutely no evidence that general practice is going to attract many of them at all. We are leaving the profession in droves. There may be no-one left to run the training program.
(b) even if they have some chance of success, they are long-term strategies, and the situation is urgent.

Also, Mr Rudd - strategies that depend on nurses are great in theory, but - there is a shortage of nurses too!

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